Year 134 - March 2022Find out more

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A caravan of solidarity

Fr. Livio Tonello, director

The image of the route, metaphor of the path of life, is always suggestive. It recalls human vicissitudes, difficulties, encounters, mistakes, the steps towards the objective... Nowadays the ecclesial expression “Synodality” recalls the route. The word Synod comes from the Greek word “Syn-odos” that means “walking together”. Over the last few years the Pope has recalled its value and urgency. Because also the Christians who walk along the same path (from the beginning they were called the disciples of the path) risk walking alone their own path. This risk applies to bishops, priests and every worshipper. Walking together has many advantages: company, mutual help, dialogue, support... but it can also be laborious: with sluggishness, slowdowns, fear, patience... But for Christians to take a path alone or to take different paths is not possible The Synodality that the Pope has at heart invites to confrontation, to the dialogue, to listen to the voices of all the Christians and to solicit their answer to faith. This is an important challenge because it is easier when the decisions are taken by few people, it is less difficult to impose some directives than to share them. On the contrary along the first thousand years…

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