Year 135 - March-April 2023Find out more
Some words for Lent
suor Marzia Ceschia

The path of Lent (that started on 22 February, Ash Wednesday) is scanned by the liturgy that accompanies us progressively to the central mysteries of our faith: the Cross, the Death and the Resurrection of Jesus, inexhaustible source of Mercy and of life for those who let themselves to be drown to him (see John 12,32). The Church invites us to walk the path of Lent where we can meditate and reflect on some words.
The path of Lent starts with an appeal to conversion: “return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning” (Joel 2, 12). Conversion is not only a moral attitude but it implies going back to the starting point of our life: the Father’s love that asks us to belong to his Kingdom as his children. Conversion means to start again from God putting aside our selfishness that makes us closed in ourselves and our selfishness. In this context we can better understand the second word of our path: penance... (continue)
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