Year 135 - March-April 2023Find out more
Faith and love? They go hand in hand
Monseigneur Giampaolo Dianin, bishop

We are asking ourselves about the first years of marriage and about the challenges that spouses married in our Lord must face. Each one’s faith encounters the other’s opening their path for Christian life in the footsteps of Christ. Faith and love illuminate each other: faith opens new horizons to love and love feeds faith. An inadequate conception affirms that faith is something irrational without any scientific basis. So faith becomes an “object” that we can have or loose without any precise reason. Some people think that love is something irrational but it is not like that. At the beginning it can be love at first sight but later real love grows through reflection and confrontation. Faith is like love: it comes from a special encounter, the encounter with Jesus; then it becomes confidence and knowledge; it lives moments of joy, conflict, doubt, dialogue and silence as in each profound and true relationship. On the path of faith there are ups and down, serene and difficult moments as happens in love stories! Spouses can understand the essentials of faith by reflecting on their life... (continue)
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