Year 133 - February 2021Find out more

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My mother used to say that generosity creates miracles and that, if you do without something so as to give it to another who has a greater need, you will enrich him and also yourself. Can this still be said to be true?


Yes, you can be sure! The Bible said: “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord” (Proverbs 19,17). And Don Bosco added. “God never allows himself to be beaten in generosity…”. Simple but lovely and comforting statements. So that “miracles” can take place the Lord God must want them to happen, but with the maximum respect for humanity. The first step must be taken by man. Once there was a child, ignored by everybody and lost in the midst of a crowd of five thousand. He had brought five loaves of bread and two fish with him. They were his and he had brought them with him, but he generously gave them for what appeared at that moment to be the improbable impossibility of feeding five thousand people.. Jesus carried out the miracle and everybody was fed. The first step of generosity came from the little boy, because Faith, Hope and Charity contradict the laws of mathematics: this is the only case when from a subtraction one arrives at a multiplication. And twelve baskets full are left over.