Year 130 - November 2018Find out more

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12 sheets full of days

Fr. Livio Tonello, director

"Calendar" comes from the Latin kalendae: the ancient Romans used this term to indicate the first day of the month, which coincided with the start of a new lunar phase. Today the calendar shows us the beginning of a year, a month, a week, fixing the days on paper or on the screen. It's a way of looking at them as a whole, an arcane desire to keep time flowing, almost to dominate it. For many years, our Association has been preparing a personalized calendar that recalls the aims and life of our Anthonian reality. We do it beyond the usefulness of knowing when Christmas, Easter or an important feast falls; beyond the need to note down an anniversary, a trip or a medical visit. How many elements of our life are present in the sequence of the days that go by: days of work and times of rest; the change of seasons and the phases of the moon; Sundays and civil holidays; the rising of the sun and its sunset. We do not want this to be just an unavoidable flow of minutes and hours, of sunrises and sunsets, that is why we are called to live the time…

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