Year 132 - November 2020Find out more
The power of symbols
Fr. Livio Tonello, director

It is the first page of a new year. We can only open it with the hope that the time ahead will be peaceful for everyone. Months, days, hours that we always welcome as the grace of the Lord, a gift offered, and a chance to do good. Our life finds its value if lived in the realization of the project inscribed in our being unique and unrepeatable people with the many charisms and gifts we possess. This project unravels as we understand its meaning and know how to value ourselves. As always, we entrust these 12 months to the intercession of Saint Anthony. The iconographic references place him once again at the centre so that we can have him under our eyes and let ourselves be looked at by him. This year the figure of the great Saint is proposed again in symbolic form. His person speaks to us through aphorisms (sayings, incisive messages, post we say today). Great wisdom is condensed in a short sentence, which normally refers to the words of Jesus and the wisdom inscribed in the Gospel. Eloquent words that find an echo in the proposed symbolic representation. The representations devised by Giustina De Toni…
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