Year 131 - November 2019Find out more

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The beauty that time does not take away

don Lino Moscarelli

“Beauty will save the world”: although this famous statement by Prince Myshkin in “The Idiot” by Dostoevsky has not yet obtained a single key to interpretation of what the author really meant by the concept of beauty, we often find ourselves quoting this passage, most of the time in order to emphasize that the congenital beauty of art is not an end in itself, because it endowed with a salvific charm far from illusory. Art is only the paradigm of the infinite conjugations of the idea of beauty in this world. What is, for us men of the third millennium, that beauty that saves? In the heart, the seat of the choices that shape our lives, each of us reserves a special place for what he considers worthy of the attribute “beautiful”. Beauty can become a beacon in the storm, leading us to a safe haven. But for that to happen, beauty must be capable of standing the test of time. On the one hand, we are in search of authentic beauty, capable of transforming our time into a “beautiful time”; on the other hand, time itself, with its inexorable passing, guarantees us that beauty is such if it does…

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