Year 132 - October 2020Find out more
Obedience Mutual Listening
fr. Antonio Ramina

Saint Anthony knew Latin very well, needless to say. Just think of his Sermons, written in Latin. He was able to “dig” into the heart of the “ancient” words and discover their many possible meanings. Speaking of “obedience”, he wrote: “In the head […] the voice of obedience passes swiftly in. So it is said: ‘At the hearing of the ear they have obeyed me’ (Ps 17:45); and Samuel says in the first book of Kings: ‘Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth’ (1 Kings 3:10)’. And so that obedience may penetrate more rapidly, it is fitting that it should be ‘airy’, pure and perceptive of heavenly things, and having nothing earthly about it. ‘So let everyman be swift to hear’” (Fourth Sunday after Easter, 14).
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