Year 131 - May 2019Find out more
Let’s choose beauty, not mud
fr. Luciano Bertazzo

The reputation of this filthy animal is also used in the preaching of the Saint as a symbol of those who reject the beauty of the Lord’s invitation
We have never dealt with this animal before, perhaps because it doesn’t have a good reputation, on the contrary, its name is used as an offensive epithet, with explicit degrading allusions. Yet, it is very useful: nothing of his body is thrown away, using every last bristle to make brushes of it. Its heart parts were used for interventions on the human heart before the invention of the mechanical ones. It is an intelligent animal with good memory and an articulated communication system. I’m talking about the pig, for those who didn’t understand it! Its presence recalls ancient rites now lost in the social changes that have taken place, and until recently, at the beginning of winter, the “killing” of the pig was an important custom of rural life. A great feast in which the whole patriarchal family took part, since the sacrificed beast was the source of calories and protein - often the only one! - for all components.
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