Année 133 - Mai 2021En savoir plus
Marcher comme des loups
Elide Siviero

I was very impressed by a photograph shared on mobiles with a description of the behaviour of the wolfs. II knew that wolf packs have a definite social structure and rules of conduct and even if I do not know if this description is accurate it has really touched me: “a wolf pack: the first are the old or sick, they set the pace for the entire pack. If it was the other way round, they would be left behind, they would be separated from the pack. In case of an attack they would be sacrificed. Then come the 5 strongest, the front line. The rest of the pack members, the eleven she wolfs are in the middle with the 5 strongest following. Last and alone, the leader. He controls everything from the rear. In that position he can see everything, decide on the direction. He has all the pack in sight.
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