Year 130 - October 2018Find out more
That’s not how it works...
Elide Siviero

Let us keep our eyes open: every time someone offers us a cheap miracle, a shortcut, he or she does not bring the Gospel of Christ, but the deception of comfort.
I’ve got a weird, ungrammatical, very long e-mail: «Most dear in the Lord, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs. Lidiya Babinski from Kuwait. I was married to Kurain Babinski worked with the Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before dying last year. My husband died after a brief illness that lasted only four days. Before his death we were both born again in Christ. My dear, I know you are surprised to receive this letter, but as a child of the living God, you must know that our ways are not his ways.
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