Year 131 - February 2019Find out more
A free spirit
Fr. Carlo Broccardo

How important it is to belong to the people of God and be disciples of Jesus! However, we must keep our minds and hearts open because the Spirit is greater than any institution or project
Among the most famous pages of the Bible, there are certainly the first chapters of the book of Exodus; I think we have all seen some films with the Jews reduced as slaves to make bricks for the Egyptians, Moses challenging the Pharaoh, the plagues of Egypt, the passage of the Red Sea... Then the journey towards the promised land begins: a very long itinerary (hundreds of kilometers), which lasted 40 years, but of which the book of Exodus tells us very little. After a few episodes, he concentrates on telling the story of when Moses climbed the mountain and received the Law of God; then there are chapters and chapters that collect some of Israel’s precepts, from the Ten Commandments to the norms relating to worship.
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